If you take photography seriously as a travel tripod, it is an absolute must. While not always comfortable to use, they are perfect for snapshots or photography, nature photography, macro photography, long exposure, slow shutter speed and low light conditions. If you want to buy a new tripod for photography, be aware of some points.
If possible, use the travel tripod permanently. Travel tripod is a great help for taking sharp pictures and you will be surprised when you compare the sharpness you can get with your camera on a tripod with the pictures taken with a PDA. If you don't want to wear a travel tripod, try a mono pod or mini stand. If you are in a complicated situation, you can support a solid tree structure or structure to minimize camera shake.
My desktop always uses a camera support system. The best thing is to buy the best, so you don't have to update. From now on, I have two monopods and a lightweight tripod. For simple work, I always carry 678B at home.
I recommend using the best carbon fiber travel tripod as the first permanent option. Carbon fiber camera tripod is lightweight and durable and is perfect for travel photography. Stands with metal legs / studs can be a problem with direct sunlight. If you want to photograph in the future on snow and ice, metal stands can also be painful.
Buy a travel tripod that can stretch your legs at least at eye level. The travel tripod's legs must be able to extend very far. Make sure the travel tripod feet are as large as possible. This means that the tendency to shake is less.
See if a breathing level is integrated into the travel tripod. This is useful to ensure that the camera is standing. Try the locking mechanism on the legs, for me the locking of the swing is very good. Over time, the ball's locking mechanism is weakened.
Some Useful Tips For Using a Travel Tripod:
Avoid prolonging the center column of the travel tripod. This increases the camera's vibrations. If possible, keep the central field. When stretching the tripod legs, first extend the thicker parts. To lower the stand, press the smaller legs. The smallest legs on the stand are the thinnest.
Do not carry or carry the travel tripod while holding the extended center column. When doing so, loosen the frame and shake the center of the stand during use.
If possible, always move the stand of the stand. This makes the configuration more stable. The best places have changed the basis for different surfaces, rubber feet for smooth surfaces and nails for soft floors.
Use a cord cable to prevent the camera from moving when you press the shutter button. Otherwise you can use the timer.